Of the 53 species of hummingbirds found in Costa Rica, 29 of those can be see here at Tapir Valley Nature Reserve.
During one of our morning birdwatching tours, it's possible to see 14 different species of hummingbird without moving more than a few meters!
If you would like a spectacular hummingbird experience, book one of our birding tours here.
This spectacular little hummingbird is a target of many birdwatchers in Costa Rica. With the male's crest and fancy throat feathers, it's always a delight when they appear in the garden. The best place to see these is right near the reception area.
This is one of the gems of Costa Rica, and Tapir Valley is one of the best places in the world to get close views. These hummingbirds depend on open areas adjacent to primary forest, and Tapir Valley provides the perfect habitat for dozens of nesting pairs of Snowcaps.
The Long-billed Hermit (Phaethornis longirostris)
These unique hummingbirds need primary forest habitat with access to a stream or creek, as they nest directly above the water.
Their bills have evolved to nectar from the heliconias flower. At Tapir Valley, we have a nesting pair that lives near the heliconias grove by the stream.